Support your body to feel better!
Ionic Detox foot baths work by sending a small current that goes in a circuit through the body and generates positively charged ions. The high concentration of the ion field attaches to the negatively charged toxins neutralizing them and the body is then able to discard them through the approximate 2000 pores that are on the bottom of your feet. You can then experience the correct acid-alkaline pH balance as nature intended. It's painless and takes about 30 minutes. Even children ages 4 and up can safely use it under supervision.
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Based on the zero-point energy principle, the nano wand works on individual cells, balancing the body's chi/energy and speeding up the process of feeling better; targeting the immune and nervous systems.
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The Frequency Wave is programmed with over 450 different frequencies that can support the release of only the bad bacteria trapped in your body using radio sine waves that vibrate through the body deactivating bacteria and pathogens similarly to a wine glass breaking from sound waves.
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Alleviates the stress and pain that accumulates in your body from everyday living by improving your blood circulation, loosening stiff muscles and easing joint pain including aches associated with arthritis.
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Life Coaching aims to raise one's happiness and emotional set-points to a higher level, enabling greater personal problem-solving ability,
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Nano Wand
Frequency Wave
Ceragem Bed
At Body & Soul Balance Wellness Center we bring the most innovative and effective methods of alternative health care to you. It is our belief that patients should first seek out the safest and most non-invasive approach to feel better before resorting to more dangerous methods that often only mask the outer symptoms without addressing the underlying cause. Body & Soul Balance Wellness Center treats both the symptoms and the underlying cause of the disorder. This harmonization of Body, Mind, and Spirit is accomplished by using a variety of Natural Modalities.
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